As noted in my Multiplication and Division Unit Plan, that unit will take 14-18 lessons to complete fully, which is about 1 week of math instructional time. I am going to include the last 3 days, previous to the testing day, lesson plans to give a better idea of how the last 3 lesson will be structured.
Lesson 12: SWBAT: Multiply and divide by 4 and 5. I DO: write the multiplication facts for 4 and 5 on the board and use them to solve 2 multiplication problems and 2 divisions problems through meta-cognition. (15-minutes) WE DO: Solve 4 problems with student whiteboards and choral showing. (15-minutes) YOU DO: Pages 51, 52, 53 in Practice Book. (15-minutes including plenary) Plenary: Elbow partner red pen marking Lesson 13: SWBAT: Multiply and divide by 5. I DO: write the multiplication facts for 5 on the board and use them to solve 2 multiplication problems and 2 divisions problems through meta-cognition. (15-minutes) WE DO: Solve 4 problems with student whiteboards and choral showing. (15-minutes) YOU DO: Pages 53, 54, 55 in Practice Book.(15-minutes including plenary) Plenary: Elbow partner red pen marking Lesson 14: SWBAT: Multiply or divide a whole number up to 3-digits by a 1-digit number with the upper limit of any 1-digit number being 5. I DO: Show students 2 examples of division problems and 2 examples of multiplication problems while using meta-cognition to solve (15-minutes) WE DO: Solve division and multiplication problems together, student input by directly calling on students for numbers to make the problems being written on the whiteboard with students showing personal whiteboard responses. (15-minutes) YOU DO: Practice Book pages 56, 57, 58 in PR1ME Mathematics Practice Book (2014) (15-minutes) or YOU DO second choice: Pages 75, 78 in PR1ME Mathematics Course Book (2014) (15-minutes) or YOU DO third choice: Procedurally generated long division problems from (15-minutes)
AuthorBenjamin Snitker. A master's candidate at Colorado State University-Global Campus. |