The use of the rubric that was created to pre- and post-assess student learning against mastery, I believe is a great example of measuring understanding against high expectations. I do believe that the students will experience success by the use of this format of pre-assessment, rubric completion, and goal setting. When students are given ownership over their learning, they can clearly see what's expected of them and can clearly see the path that they need to go down in order to master skills (Hubbell & Godwin, 2013). This empowers them and makes them want to succeed. I believe this is a great example of measuring learning against high expectations. There is nothing more powerful than a student that wants to succeed and has been given the correct tools with which to accomplish that success. I believe that this process will give my students the tools to accomplish their success.
References Dixson, Dante D, and Worrell, Frank C. “Formative and Summative Assessment in the Classroom.” Theory Into Practice 55.2 (2016): 153–159. Web. Hubbell, E. R., & Goodwin, B. (2013). The 12 Touchstones of Good Teaching: A Checklist for Staying Focused Every Day. ASCD.